2:00pm November 5th 2022 – Church of St John the Divine, Courtenay
7:30pm November 6th 2022 – St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Nanaimo
The Island Consort Chamber Choir presents its postponed Spring 2020 program, Choral Treasures. These Treasures express and endearingly celebrate a broad range of our “human condition”. The concert begins with Vivaldi’s “Credo RV591” based on the Nicene creed follows and then Mozart’s “Sancta Maria Mater Dei” and “Laudate Dominum” – for soprano solo + choir. Two more classics lead to Brahms’ “Lass Dich Nur Nichts” (Geistliches Lied, Op.30)
The rest of the concert features music of the 20th and 21st centuries, including the premiere of a new piece, “Requiescat”, written for the choir by Director, Bruce Farquharson, based on a poem by Oscar Wilde. Two pieces deal with light: Latvian, Eriks Esenvalds’ “Stars” – with accompaniment by wine glasses, and Norwegian, Ola Gjeilo’s “Northern Lights”. Next is French Canadian, Lionel Daunais’ “Figures de Danse” based on a fantasy of circus performers. Next, is the familiar “Danny Boy”, the lyrics put to Percy Grainger’s “Londonderry Air”; then Gerald Finzi’s “Haste On, My Joys!” set to a poem by Robert Bridges. The concert ends with “An Irish Blessing” – May the Road rise to meet you. . . . .
There will be strings as well as organ accompaniment for some of the pieces – string players from the Nanaimo Chamber Orchestra plus keyboard work by Jenny Vincent.